Frequently Asked Questions


> How to create a world record?

You can choose to break a world record that existed or to create a new world record. No matter what kind of challenges you are going to conduct, you must make sure that your challenge of the world records is measurable, breakable non-regional achievement that an be tested.

> What is the period of application of world record?

Categories and scales of different records vary. If you are the record-breaker, project establishment must be done by record management group. A rough application period can be seen at  Record Application Procedure.

> Can record-holder get rewards or bonus?

No matter it is conducted by team or by individual, the challenge of world record is spontaneous, and our duty is to entertain people’s live and enrich their mind on the basis of spreading and preserving world records, so we can not provide any support in finance to participants.

>  My kid is 5 years old, can he or she apply for world records?

Applicants under 16 can submit application with the accompany of parents or guardians.

> If I am not informed within a week, does that mean I have failed to pass the initial evaluation?

Due to the massive applications of applicants per day as well as a small portion of prioritized applications, some replays can not be send in time, so please wait for our email patiently. If you fail to pass the initial evaluation, we will inform you by email.

 > Does any kinds of record can be preserved?

First, your record must be in line with all policies of world records. For detailed information please click Policies of Record.

Second, your challenge process must adhere to all rules of challenge.

 > What if I want to know the rules of challenge?

You are required to fill the chart of applications, and wait for notice of the outcome of initial evaluation. If you are determined to take the challenge, we will offer you corresponding rules of the challenge.

> What if my record is broken ?

We will inform you by email, and welcome to challenge once more.

> My application is in great urgency, can you contact me directly?

You can contact us by email to open prioritized application( Payment).

How to submit proofs and materials?

You can upload the link of your proofs and materials by online information storage services/cloud rules. Any information that consists proofs and materials concerning your challenge will do us a great favor.

For detailed information,please click How to Collect and Submit Proofs.

E-mail: service@worldrecords.top